Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekly Writing #7

Part I:
I think that I can establish myself as a credible resource concerning my topic for a variety of reasons. I genuinely want to engage and have others engage in a discussion about the interconnections between religion and politics. My agenda is selfless in the sense that I want my audience to understand the history of the topic, look at what they are passionate about objectively, and then make independent political choices.

Additionally, I understand both sides because I grew up in a religious politically conservative home, and while I currently lean more to the left, I am still a Christian. My upbringing and knowledge of the Bible and politics helps me to be objective and use sensible judgment when sifting through information. My goal is to decipher the difference between sincere political conviction and that which has been polluted by political advancement and manipulation.

Part II:
I decided to look at the comments on one of the Youtube videos I used as a resource. The film was produced by the History channel and it examines the conception of the Moral Majority and their entrance into politics. The comments were extremely frustrating for me to read and they are exactly why I want to discuss the issue. The majority of comments are illogical and extreme. One reader equates evangelism with Hitler. Giving voice to other side and chastises former President Carter for trying to find peace between Palestine and Israel. The commenter thinks that Carter's intentions are not Biblical.

"Mr. Carter if you really believe Jesus is important in your life, then WHY did you force Israel to give away land at camp david?? Read your bible!!!"

Everyone's comments are highly emotional and polarizing, leaving no room for discussion and only producing a tit-for-tat "dialogue" where nothing is accomplished or understood.

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