Friday, March 19, 2010

MPP Part Three: It's Only You In There

Memo: Major Analysis Project

Title: It's Only You in There

Genre: Poster

Publication: Physically posted; published in a magazine, newspaper, online, or on a commercial.

Audience: My audience is very broad. My target audience is anyone of voting age and anyone who actively votes, but I would not limit it to that.

Brief Analysis: Once again, my goal was to do something provocative that would make people think. I wanted to remind my audience that it is their vote, no one elses, not their friends, their pastors, or whomever they watch or listen to.

I paired it with a faux organization and mission statement. My organization is the Coalition for Non-Partisan Politics. I want to encourage citizens to look at the facts and raw data. Too many times people automatically dismiss issues because there is a party name attached. My organizations goal is to discourage that and to encourage people to be more objective, especially with new issues.

MPP Part Two: Interview Questions with Roberta Combs

Interview Questions: Roberta Combs, President, Christian Coalition of America

Q: Can you tell me about how the Christian Coalition of America began?

Q: What core issues was the organization founded on?

Q: How have these issues evolved over the years?

Q: Why do you believe it is important for Christians to be involved in the political process?

Q: Are there any issues that are less of a priority because of modernization?

Q: The Moral Majority opposed legislation that would further the rights of women. You're a woman and the president of the this powerful coalition, what do you think of this?

Q: Why does the Christian Coalition of America partner with the GOP?

Q: Is your partnership solely based on social issues?

Q: What about fiscal issues? What is the relationship to the Bible?

Q: Concerning fiscal issues, the Bible teaches control but also teaches generosity and humility, especially when money and riches are concerned. Fiscally speaking only, what is the relationship between religion and the two political parties?

Q: Your organization is opposed to the current healthcare package. Can you explain this to me?

Q: They took abortion funding out of the package, why are you still opposed?

Q: How is the opposition Biblically supported?

Q: The Bible teaches readers to take care of the poor and their neighbors? Can you explain this?

Q: Do you think that healthcare is a right?

Q: What do you think of our current healthcare system?

Q: Why do you think politics has become so divided?
Q: How do you feel about this and how does it factor into your coalition's goals?

Q: What are the most important issues to you?

Q: Are they your bottom line?

Q: Why?

Q: Which issues take precedent above all else?

Q: Does that making choosing a candidate harder or easier?

Q: What if someone is highly qualified and stands for 80% of what you stand for, but votes against a couple of your key issues, then what?

Q: What kind of America do you see in the future?

Memo: Major Analysis Project

Title: Interview Questions for Roberta Combs, President of the Christian Coalition of America

Genre: interview

Publication: it could be for any newspaper or magazine

Audience: Even though I was attempting to be objective, I think my opinion still came through. Once again, my audience is broad, say the same audience of a major daily.

Brief Analysis: I wanted to ask her questions that got at the heart of the matter. I want to know why a religious organization would somewhat permanently associate themselves with one party. I wanted to know why the coalition was formed and what principles they governed by, and how that has changed or not changed over the years. That is why I asked her about women's rights, especially since she is in a role that a man is usually in.

I understand that people will unite based on certain issues, but I wanted to ask her questions about other issues, issues that have more to do with politics than religion. I asked her about healthcare because of this.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MPP Part One: Be Your Own Citizen

Memo: Major Analysis Project

Title: Be Your Own Citizen

Genre: Political Poster

Publication: Physically posted; in magazines; possibly part of a commercial

Audience: My audience is pretty broad: citizens. I wanted to target people who watched all the major news networks, like MSNBC, CNN, and FoxNews. I tried to put every political pundit I could think of on my poster, and a fair amount of them as well. I didn't want to exclude anyone in my audience.

Brief Analysis: My goal was to encourage people to think. Think about why they care about certain political issues. Is it because they really feel that way? Or is it because they are so absorbed in the media? I tried to make poster provocative. I wanted all the pundits to look like talking heads that just produced a lot of the same noise. I chose a white silhouette of a person because I wanted to convey the idea that someone was walking out of or away from all the media chatter. They were choosing to be an individual and make independent choices, no matter what party they fell in line with.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Youth and Reckless Driving

The Ad Council Youth and Reckless Driving video shows three teens plus another "teen" played by a comedian in a car. The driver begins to drive and the "teen" in the back says, "Don't you want to slow down." This implies that speed is one of the factors of reckless driving. The fact that all the passengers are males also implies that their demographic is more likely to drive recklessly and speed.

He then proceeds to pull out a video camera and ask the passenger sitting next to him to give his last words. He is more explicit about what will happen if the teen doesn't slow down: someone will get hurt. The ad is simple and brief. I think this is to its advantage and makes a simple message more powerful.

Cause and Effect

I have decided that I want to build and maintain a personal food blog, encompassing my two passions. I have been apprehensive about doing this because I am a perfectionist and I want my blog to look and sound a certain way, but I have come to the conclusion that I just need to take the plunge and do it.

Cooking and writing about food makes me feel alive. It is a catharsis and it is when my skills are at their best. Committing to a food blog would give me much needed personal accountability and help me sharpen my writing skills. I have also discovered that the majority of food writers in Seattle are not only freelance writers, but also got their start with their own personal food blogs. By doing my own, I would be taking the first step towards what I want to do.

Weekly Writing #7

Part I:
I think that I can establish myself as a credible resource concerning my topic for a variety of reasons. I genuinely want to engage and have others engage in a discussion about the interconnections between religion and politics. My agenda is selfless in the sense that I want my audience to understand the history of the topic, look at what they are passionate about objectively, and then make independent political choices.

Additionally, I understand both sides because I grew up in a religious politically conservative home, and while I currently lean more to the left, I am still a Christian. My upbringing and knowledge of the Bible and politics helps me to be objective and use sensible judgment when sifting through information. My goal is to decipher the difference between sincere political conviction and that which has been polluted by political advancement and manipulation.

Part II:
I decided to look at the comments on one of the Youtube videos I used as a resource. The film was produced by the History channel and it examines the conception of the Moral Majority and their entrance into politics. The comments were extremely frustrating for me to read and they are exactly why I want to discuss the issue. The majority of comments are illogical and extreme. One reader equates evangelism with Hitler. Giving voice to other side and chastises former President Carter for trying to find peace between Palestine and Israel. The commenter thinks that Carter's intentions are not Biblical.

"Mr. Carter if you really believe Jesus is important in your life, then WHY did you force Israel to give away land at camp david?? Read your bible!!!"

Everyone's comments are highly emotional and polarizing, leaving no room for discussion and only producing a tit-for-tat "dialogue" where nothing is accomplished or understood.

Susan Klebold Letter for "O"

Oprah commented that Susan Klebold's letter was chilling. I would add that as much as it is chilling it is complex and confusing at times.

Right from the beginning Susan strikes an emotional chord. She describes the paralyzing panic and fear that can encompass a parent when they believe their child is in trouble. She paints a vivid picture of her and her family's anguish before they knew what had happened. Her letter is filled with strong emotion and personal confusion. I believe that many readers would sympathize with her initial feelings because of the shock of such a terrible massacre.

Unfortunately, as the letter progresses and Susan describes Dylan's childhood, adolescence and what she perceived to be his "home life," it seems as though a large part of her is still in denial about him. She writes for pages, narrating her journey of discovery, but I think what is frustrating and where she begins to lose authority is when she begins drawing seemingly shallow conclusions about her obviously very deeply disturbed teenager. This is reflected in her skirting of blame for not seeing some of the red flags about Dylan, such as his tortuous and morbid writings. I found this incredibly frustrating. Yes, she may have not seen his school essay that drew attention from faculty, but if a person in your home is writing things like that, public or private, chances are there are blaring behavioral signs to be discussed. She says he was mopey, awkward, and didn't like high school. I find these conclusions to be incredibly shallow and generic. Many teenagers feel awkward and confused. These behaviors and feelings are not unique.

She then abruptly makes a jump to discussing what she believes to be the root of the issue: suicide prevention. I believe that this is an integral part of the massacre, but there is still something, something huge, missing from her letter. I think this is summed up in her statement, "In loving memory of Dylan." To me, that statement reflects a deep denial that she still has yet to reconcile.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Letter to Apartment Manager

Dear Jai,
First off I wanted to thank you for being so helpful and attentive with the recurring leak in our units bathroom. We really appreciated your urgency to fix it.

I did want to follow-up with you though on the issue of our utility bill. I know that we discussed our bill a few months ago. You agreed that it looked at though we were being overcharged. Since then, we have received three more bills and I believe we are still being overcharged. Could you check to make sure we are being charged correctly before the next cycle?

Thanks for your help,

Jennifer Privette
unit 12

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MAP works cited

Works Cited

Applebome, Peter. "Jerry Falwell, Leading Religious Conservative, Dies ." the New York Times 15 May 2007, Print.

Associated Press, . "Southern Baptists split over politics ." MSNBC 16 June 2007: n. pag. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

Schaeffer, Frank. "Republicans Hijack Religion in Healthcare Debate." Huffington Post 18 December 2009: n. pag. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

"The Moral Majority is created during President Carter's term - Part 4 of 13 ." Youtube. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

"The Religious Right and the 1992 GOP Convention ."Youtube. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .


For the last 10-15 years the majority of evangelical Christians along with a variety of religious groups have openly aligned themselves with the Republican party. Through this alignment, the GOP has developed a reputation for being the “Christian” party and the Democratic party has been accused of being amoral and anti-family. In the late 70s the Republican party found that if they integrated just few key issues into their political platform they could almost guarantee the support from an enormous portion of the population: Christians. This partnership drastically changed politics and the use of rhetoric concerning religion. Since then, the GOP has successfully crafted language that has maintained the bond between their party and religious conservatives. They have used rhetoric to create an “us versus them” mentality between the Republicans and the Democrats by clearly defining how the parties differ, especially concerning social issues. The Democrats on the other hand have not been as successful at creating rhetoric that highlights the similarities between their values and Christian values. This paper will analyze the rhetoric of the political religious right.

Up until the 60s and 70s the majority of Christian groups stayed out of politics, but some ministers, most notably Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., became involved in the civil rights movement. But evangelical Christians had not yet taken the stage in politics, prioritizing winning souls above all else.

“If as much effort could be put into winning people to Jesus across the land as is being exerted in the present civil rights movement, America would be turned upside down for God,” stated Rev. Jerry Falwell in 1964.

Falwell had a change of heart with the passing of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Full of conviction, Falwell was determined not to let the U.S. continue down, what he believed, was an immoral path. Using his platform as a popular preacher, he fervently began encouraging his congregation and Christians to voice their political views. Despite the fact that many Christian denominations and other religious groups could not agree on specific dogma and principles, Falwell realized that just a few key issues could unite them politically.

“The movement, he said, had a simple agenda — pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-moral, and pro-American — precisely the kind of broad agenda to unite conservatives of different faiths and backgrounds,” wrote New York Times' Peter Applebome for Falwell's obituary in 2007.

Powered by this philosophy, Falwell formed the evangelical political group the Moral Majority in 1979. Promising millions of votes to which ever party would support their interests, the Moral Majority became an extremely powerful influence in politics and would later serve as the binding to the Christian conservatives and the GOP.

Falwell and company avoided complex ideological differences between religious groups and instead focused on the few similarities the groups had. Centering in on only a few issues gave the campaign and rhetoric simplicity and pushed politics into a black and white mindset. By integrating God and Christian values directly into politics, the Moral Majority made voting their way the “right”thing to do and insinuated guilt if believers voted otherwise, producing an “us versus them” mentality. They did not merely advocate for moral principles or philosophies in politics, but drew a line in the sand with specific issues.

“Moral majority is not a religious organization. If it were, we could not get 72,000 pastors, which includes Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, Fundamentalists together etcetera without a blood battle. The fact is, is that it's political, very political organization and wants membership based upon citizenship in this country and a commitment to pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-moral, and pro-American position,” declared Rev. Jerry Falwell at a news conference regarding the new group.
Despite announcing that the Moral Majority was not a religious organization but a political one, many political speeches made by group supporters were spoken from church pulpits to vast congregations.

Standing on stage before a congregation, a pulpit and Bible in front of him, without speaking a word Falwell and others established an unspoken authority and power. He already had an enormous following and was a popular televangelist before he was involved in politics. Falwell was well aware of his position.

“Television made me a kind of instant celebrity,” he wrote. “People were fascinated that they could see and hear me preach that same night in person,” (Applebome).

Similar to the strong symbolism of taking an oath by laying a hand on the Bible, in a way pastors did this theoretically when they spoke about issues such as politics in a religious platform. They are leaders, shepherds of flocks, and their words and thoughts are held in great regard by their congregation. Their credibility is readily accepted and highly relied upon, sometimes with few questions. They have a captive audience.

Pastors, ministers, and the like are trained public speakers. They are skilled rhetoricians who not only know how to hold an audience for hours, but how to convict, inspire, and teach their congregations. Falwell and others used the same set of rhetorical skills they had administered every Sunday to persuade believers to base their vote on the support of key issues.

“I'm sick and tired about hearing about all the radicals, and the perverts, and the liberals, and the leftists, and the communists coming out of the closet! It's time for God's people to come out of the closet and out of the churches and change America!” exclaimed an impassioned Rev. James Robison at the 1980 Religious Roundtable.

Robison, a televangelist, spoke with conviction and unbridled passion that had his audience up on their feet, cheering next to one another.

By clustering liberals with perverts, radicals, and communists, Robison creates a broad and general definition of individuals who vote for the Democratic party. He creates clear labels and immoral associations that are meant to incite disgust and fear. By connecting liberals with “perverts,” Robison was most likely making a reference to the emerging AIDS epidemic. The United States was also involved in the Cold War with the USSR at the time. Much like the way radical Islam was viewed after 9/11, during the Cold War communism was viewed as a security threat, an ideological threat to the American way of life, and as a threat to Christianity and other faiths.

The Moral Majority's goal was to get believers registered to vote; they were politically powerless otherwise.

“We have a threefold primary responsibility: number one, get people saved; number two, get them baptized; number three, get them registered to vote,” famously stated Falwell publicly.

The group distributed brochures, pamphlets, stickers, and other marketing materials. Among them was as sticker that simply stated “vote,” but in place of a “t” was a cross. This speaks volumes. This sticker not only encouraged Christians to vote, but to base their vote on Christian values, which were being discussed by one cohesive group: the Moral Majority.

At the time, the Moral Majority had not yet sided with a particular party but had advertised their views and that they desired moral candidates that would restore Christian values in America.

Enter presidential candidate Jimmy Carter.

Carter was transparent concerning his faith, proclaiming that he was a born again evangelical Christian and a devout follower of Jesus Christ. He presented this personal information without complexity or flair.

“I formed a very close intimate personal relationship with God, through Christ, that has given me a great deal of peace, equanimity, the ability to accept difficulties without being unnecessarily being disturbed...” plainly stated Carter at a news conference in 1976.

He stammers often throughout the statement. He uses little to no inflection and shares only a small and brief smile. Throughout his campaign and presidency, Carter continues to share openly, but almost in a shy fashion, about his faith. He is quiet but open. The Moral Majority and religious groups were ecstatic to have a candidate who was a man of God. Bailey Smith, a keynote speaker at the Southern Baptist Convention, spoke of Carter at the gathering:

“If there's anything we need whether it's bad form or good politics, is a man who is more proud of his faith in Christ than any political aspirations he might have.”

Smith's comments argue for morality above all else and allowed for bipartisanship.

Carter's faith and rhetoric surrounding it, caused Moral Majority leaders to rally behind him, seemingly bipartisan. This quickly dissipated when Carter supported the Equal Rights Amendment as well as other left of center politics. The Moral Majority and other religious groups pulled away their support and felt that Carter was participating in the destruction of the family by supporting equal rights for women. They once again used simplicity and powerful speech to convince followers that Carter and other were undermining the family and family values by raising women to equal status.

They went on to create similar rhetoric concerning the abortion debate, producing a whirlwind of emotion and establishing it as a deal breaker issue.

Renowned Christian thinker, Francis Schaeffer, produced an animation about abortion. In the film, a line of dancing marshmallowy looking little men come out with top hats. Moments later, cynical mischievous looking doctors creep onto the stage and suck the “babies” up. Following, are a sexy line of showgirl nurses holding bundled up babies, only to kick them off the stage. Narrating in the background is Schaeffer:

“The issue of abortion is not one divided along religious lines. Certainly by any means it is not uniquely a Roman Catholic issue.”

The doctors have large noses and dark hair. They do not look “American.” The nurses who kick the babies off the stage are sexy, giving the impression that they may be promiscuous, possibly associating the identity of women who abort with these nurses. The group uses strong visuals and language. Using words like “murder” and the animation gives the impression that abortion is easy and frivolous. This rhetoric has stayed largely intact among the political religious right and has become an issue that the majority of Republicans are expected to support.

The religious right cemented its bond with the Republican party upon the election of President Ronald Reagan. The Moral Majority played an enormous role in his election and advised him on how to win Christian votes.

“I suggested to Mr. Reagan that because that it was bipartisan that it would be in his best interest, since we could not and would not endorse him as a body, then it would probably be wise in his opening comment would be: I know this is nonpartisan so you can't endorse me but I want you to know, I endorse you,” advised Robison to Reagan before speaking at a religious gathering.

Reagan went on to say just that. By saying that he endorsed them, he was saying that he endorsed their politics, which he did for the most part. He skillfully used emotion and language to win audiences and voters.

Since then, the divide between party lines has become greater and the rhetoric stronger and more simplistic. Many Christians and evangelical political groups encourage believers to base their vote on just a handful of key issues. The Republicans have adopted these issues and have become the party of choice for millions of Christian groups. The language against liberals has gotten more severe and is associated with immorality and the demise of Christian values in America. The powerful entrance of religion into politics has produced a desire among many voters for a clear rhetoric explaining the place of God in candidates' politics. Religious rhetoric has become a powerful political tool that is currently wielded by many.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Women's Ski Jumping

I am very frustrated that women's ski jumping has been rejected by the International Olympics Committee as a winter sport. I understand if it is a fiscal issue but as I read more it did not sound that way.

"I don't think there's any discrimination going on," says Joe Lamb, the U.S. ski team representative for the International Ski Federation's (FIS) ski jumping committee.

How can it not be a discrimination issue when there are officials saying that the sport is not appropriate for women based on medical issues?! I find this most disturbing. It does not make sense to me. It's almost as bad as saying that a woman is not capable of being president because of hormones. The IOC seemed to also make a threat to the women's ski jumping team if they keep "embarrassing" them.

I was bothered by TIME journalist Claire Suddath's last statement in her article:

"Women's ski jump will likely be included in the Olympics one day, but for now the girls remain on the sidelines. If Van's record at Whistler is surpassed this Olympics, it will be done by a man."

I felt like she reaffirmed the view of women by calling them "girls."

Public v. Private Debate

I found both arguments compelling. I agreed and disagreed with points on both sides of the debate. I agree that parents should be able to send their children to whatever school they wish, but on the other hand does encouraging this inhibit the quality of public schools? Currently, I believe there are issues of fragmentation and segregation in the public school system. I do not think that this is fair and that is why I ultimately sided with Chris. There are far more children and young people who need access to a quality public education than not. This does not create a homogeneous society like Nick said. As Chris argued, giving students equal opportunity does not determine their individual outcome. That is unique. I agreed with Nick until he took his argument to the extreme. At one point he seemed to insinuate that it doesn't matter if one portion of society receives a poor education because that creates competition. Of course as ugly as it may be there will always be individuals who's skills are at completely different levels. But what is unfortunate is that at this point, economic level determines the quality of education, not intelligence or determination.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

M.A.P rough draft

For the last 10-15 years the majority of evangelical Christians and other Christian denominations have openly aligned themselves with the Republican party. Through this alignment, the Republican party has developed a reputation for being the “Christian” party and the Democratic party has been accused of being amoral and anti-family. In the late 70s the Republican party found that if they integrated just few key issues into their political platform they could almost guarantee the support from an enormous portion of the population: Christians. This partnership drastically changed politics and the use of rhetoric concerning religion and politics. Since then, the GOP has successfully crafted rhetoric that has maintained the bond between their party and religious conservatives. They have used rhetoric to create an “us versus them” mentality between the Republican party and the Democratic party by clearly defining how the parties differ, especially concerning social issues. The Democrats on the other hand have not been as successful at creating rhetoric that highlights the similarities between their values and Christian values.

Up until the 60s and 70s the majority of Christian groups stayed out of politics, but some ministers, most notably Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., became involved in the civil rights movement. But evangelical Christians had not yet taken the stage in politics, prioritizing winning souls above all else.

“If as much effort could be put into winning people to Jesus across the land as is being exerted in the present civil rights movement, America would be turned upside down for God,” stated Rev. Jerry Falwell in 1964.

Falwell had a change of heart when Roe v. Wade passed in 1973. Full of conviction, Falwell was determined not to let the U.S. continue down, what he believed, was an immoral path. Using his platform as a popular preacher, he fervently began encouraging his congregation and Christians to voice their political views. Despite the fact that many Christian denominations and other religious groups could not agree on specific Christian principles, Falwell realized that just a few key issues could unite them politically.

“The movement, he said, had a simple agenda — pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-moral, and pro-American — precisely the kind of broad agenda to unite conservatives of different faiths and backgrounds,” wrote New York Times' Peter Applebome for Falwell's obituary in 2007.

Powered by this philosophy, Falwell formed the evangelical political group the Moral Majority. Promising millions of votes to which ever party would support their interests, the Moral Majority became an extremely powerful influence in politics and cemented a relationship with the Republican party.

Falwell began his campaign from his pulpit. Standing on stage before a congregation, a pulpit and Bible in front of him, without speaking a word Falwell establishes unspoken authority and power. Even before he was involved in his politics, he recognized his influence.

“Television made me a kind of instant celebrity,” he wrote. “People were fascinated that they could see and hear me preach that same night in person,” (Applebome).

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hook-Up Culture

I agree with Grimes that dating has gone by the way side and hooking up has taken its place. I agree that this is a shame but I think that in all of Grimes' analysis, he fails to see a crucial point. Dating is a skill, a difficult one at that.

Grimes' attempts to find a deeper reason to explain why a hook-up culture has taken over, replacing or hindering dating. It is not just horniness, but a deep desire to be intimate with a partner, Grimes reasons. I agree and severely disagree with this. Yes we desire physical fulfillment, but we also want to be desired. Being desired is exhilarating, but craving to be desired does not mean that the individual is wanting a committed intimacy.

Not what you think

My Valentine's Day was deliciously unconventional. My boyfriend and I have spent ridiculous amounts of time together because our lack of money and jobs, so we spent the majority of Valentine's Day away from each other. Content and secure in our separation, we spent the day with our closest friends. Him with him and her with her. For us, giving each other time to bond with others was a great breather that revived us both and made us better together.

Ayva and I polished ourselves up, relishing in taking too much time to get ready. Girlishly excited we went to shi shi bars and had some much needed girl talk. Sipping cool salty martinis, while sharing everything from the deep to the shallow, filled me with a dizzying satisfaction.

Later we all met up and our respective partners gave us flowers and Prosecco, but the most romantic thing my boyfriend and I gave each other that day was time to spend with our friends...feeding a part of us that we had been sadly deprived of for far too long. This may sound unromantic, and maybe it wasn't romantic, but it was a lovely gift to give to each other.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I thought that the Ad Council's press release regarding the Think Before you Speak ad campaign used both invented and situated proofs, but not well. The press release was really redundant and used the same evidence for their proofs repeatedly, making it ineffective in my opinion. I felt like not having variety took power away from all the other proofs.

I think their ad campaign primarily draws upon invented proof, which is smart because they are trying to reach teens. Using emotion as a means of argument I believe would be more convincing to them. I think the ads used situated proofs at the end. The speaker uses logic to explain why using certain language is illogical. The whole, "what if I called you..."

I don't know how effective these ads would be on teens. The campaign tells the audience what to do: "knock it off." I think that that phrase has a parental tone. I think using a scenario where a teen tells his/her friend why it's not cool to use that kind of language.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who really cares for the sick?

Huffington Post's Frank Schaeffer, passionately discusses how the GOP and certain Christian organizations have used scripture to support their opposition universal healthcare in his article Republicans Hijack Religion in Health Care Debate.

Schaeffer claims that people using scripture as a defense of opposition to Obama's healthcare reform bill, are misinterpreting not only scripture but the character of God.

“So a big "Merry Christmas" from your friendly evangelicals, now using this holiday to quash a bill designed to help the poor. And another example of how some evangelicals on the right are willing to trivialize and demean their scriptures in their anti-Obama crusade.”

He supports his claim by referencing scriptures, both specifically and generally. He also directly cites his opponents. He first mentions that the sins that God dislikes the most are taking the Lord's name in vain and using “God for un-holy purposes.” To Schaeffer the latter is the most damning to the his opponents' arguments, because they are preventing the poor from receiving care that is fairly priced.

Schaeffer mostly spends time targeting the manner in which some Christians groups are speaking out against the bill and President Obama. He thinks they are viscous at times.

“From the evangelical point of view, our words must be well pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased us with His own blood "that He might redeem us from all iniquity [lawlessness] and purify unto Himself a peculiar people [a people of His own], zealous of good works" (Titus 2:14). May the fruit of our lips always honor "that worthy Name by the which ye are called" (James 2:7)”

Schaeffer's predominately uses pathos in his warrants. He writes passionately and is, himself, clearly biased and unashamed of it. The quotes above illustrate this point quite well.

He also uses some logos and ethos in his warrants. He mentions mid-way through the article that he is the son of a evangelical and goes on to actually claim authority. In doing this, he is attempting to level the intellectual playing field with evangelicals. This might give him some authority when he references scripture later in the article, especially to a liberal audience that may not be familiar with the Bible.

“I was raised by an evangelical leader of the religious right and was his sidekick for a bit before coming to my senses. So this is home territory for me, the stuff I was literally taught at my mother's knee.”

He attempts to use logic for many of his warrants throughout his piece. He clearly has a formula: make passionate statement; Biblical reference; “obvious” conclusion.

“Let's give Jesus the last word (as recorded in Matthew 7:15, 20-23)”

The competing argument was written by Dr. James C. Dobson of Focus on the Family. His November newsletter, Medicare, ObamaCare, and Why Should we Care, Dobson claims that Obama's healthcare reform bill violates the sanctity of life by supporting abortion and robbing (by taking away funds from Medicare) the elderly.

“I’m sure many of you are aware of the assault on the sanctity of human life...It involves outrageous attempts by President Obama and liberals in Congress to force the American people to pay for abortions with our taxes...many of the sick and old will be denied desperately needed care”
He supports his claims by using scripture and his view of what is happening in Washington. Dobson believes that the government is lying about funding abortions and being misleading.

“We suspected at the time that Mr. Obama’s assurance to the American people was not valid and indeed, that suspicion has now been confirmed. Almost all of the health care proposals put forward so far include public funding for abortion.”

He later quotes Matthew 25:40-45 and then goes on to say that our nation will be greatly judged for falling away from scriptural principles.

Dobson utilizes ethos and pathos a great deal in his warrants. First of all, among evangelicals, Focus on the Family is a highly regarded organization, therefore many would agree with the majority of what he says without question. He is a pastor in a sense. He very much speaks with authority.

“The proposals in Congress do not contain sufficient conscience protections for health care professionals.”

I also thought that it was interesting that he used the King James Version when he quoted Matthew instead of a “simpler” version. In doing this, I think he gives himself the illusion of having more authority than the next person quoting scripture.

Later he also worries that our country will be severely punished. By making this claim or insinuating something terrible could happen by the hand of God, he is putting himself in a position of power.

The newsletter is peppered with language that appeals to emotions: “assault; outrageous; killed; cheapened; culture of death; down our throats; etc.” Every description is vivid and powerful.

“I shudder to think of the divine judgment that could befall us if we allow our politicians, who serve at our pleasure, to begin forcing the American people to pay for the killing of babies while they are turning their backs on the elderly!”

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Catastrophic Misinterpretation

The Westboro Baptist Church claims to value the Bible and its "true" teachings. Their interpretation of Jesus' salvation is very different than many other Christian denominations. They do not hold to the value that Jesus died for all. One of their central values is sexual purity, which they believe is a monogamous heterosexual relationship/marriage without divorce or pre-marital indiscretions. They believe that the demise of sexual purity, mainly in the form of homosexuality, is the cause of many, if not all, national and international problems and world disasters. They also claim to value grace and they clearly value free speech and protest.

I value the Bible and the salvation of Jesus Christ and I believe that the Westboro Church has catastrophically misinterpreted the word. They hold such hatred for "sexual immorality" and claim scripture as their foundation for these beliefs. Yet, the sin that God hates the most is pride. The Westboro Church has a with-or-against-us mentality...what could be more prideful. They assume God's role in delivering judgment and damnation of others...what could be more prideful. I value grace and with grace comes the acceptance of others despite differences. I do not believe that they want to convert anyone. I think that they believe in predestination and that they are the "chosen" ones, while everyone else who disagrees with them is going to hell.

I don't know if I would say anything to the people of Westboro Baptist Church. I feel like it would be fruitless conversation. I know that there are a handful of young women who around my age in the group and I might try to talk to them. I would reference Bible verses about the mercy of God, pride and hate, and the maybe discuss the Gospels. I feel like citing the Bible might be the only way to reason with them. I still believe that overall it would probably be a waste of time. I would have a very hard time not becoming enraged, not that they don't deserve the brunt of this, but I don't think that it would affect them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Jerry Brewer's article,Fanatomy: As a sports town, we're underrated, he makes a broad claim that Seattle sports fans aren't exactly what they've been stereotyped to be: boring and fickle.

Right off the bat, Brewer presents his strategy for going debunking Seattle sports fan stereotypes. By using Demographics, interviews with the fans themselves and sports commentators, as well as history Brewer hopes to present a solid case and evidence to the reader, as well as give himself a level of authority.

He makes a motivational warrant when he says that Seattle sports fans can't be expected to be consistently passionate when Seattle sports teams are inconsistent themselves. He goes on to support this warrant by shedding some light on Seattle sports history of winning, or not winning in this case.

He seems to contradict his own warrants at times. One paragraph he says that Seattle fan can't be blamed for being dispassionate when teams lose and then later he says that despite losses fan bases for teams are strong. To top it off, he concludes his piece with saying that Seattleittes just aren't that into sports. This is a little confusing. I understand his point, but for me he loses some credibility.

I partially think that he flip flops because he trying to convince two different audiences. He uses the emotional and authority but he doesn't use them well together. We love sports, we hate sports, we only like teams when they win, just kidding, we secretly love them all the time---confusing!

Ruling the Roost

Besides my family, I have only lived with two other people. One was a roommate and I currently live with my boyfriend. Admittedly, I was not so good at living with people at first. I didn't know the rules and figured out quickly that there may be many rules that each person thinks are unspoken and a given, but in all actuality they're not. This makes things sticky. My first roommate ended up dominating the apartment. She would eat my food, borrow my clothes, and always took over the living room. None of these things particularly bothered me at first, but when the sharing wasn't mutual I became really annoyed and let things fester.

I think that living with someone you are committed to is much easier. Standards in a normal healthy relationship transfer over to the conduct of living with someone: communication, working things out, sharing, respect. This doesn't mean things aren't tricky though. My boyfriend pays more than I do because our financial situation, yet I contribute more around the apartment. But on that note, we both refuse to get bogged down into specific roles. I wouldn't say that we had rules but expectations. He expects me not to leave my shoes in the walkway. I expect him to clean the sink after he's shaved. Sometimes I wish we did have rules. I feel like if there were set rules then there would be less conflict and messiness. Overall though, we're partners.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Press Release

It has been one week since a massive earthquake shook the impoverished nation of Haiti into ruin. This tragedy is inexplicable. Through the death, destruction, and chaos the Haitian people have shown their resilience.

Much like the rest of the world, the Seattle University community is finding various ways to respond collectively and individually to provide both tangible and spiritual aid to the people of Haiti.

"...we must respond as individuals and as members of this university with its special commitment to the poor," urged Father Sundborg, President of Seattle University.

President Sundborg has appointed Sean Bray, Social Justice Minister in Campus Ministry, to coordinate and facilitate the university's response. The University has also set up a website that provides a list of organizations for donations, events, and resources to further support the Haitian people. And just today, Seattle University's Engineers without Borders student chapter's water treatment system arrived in Port-au-Prince.

Seattle University is committed to their mission. Seattle University is committed to Haiti.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Weekly Writing #3

This week the Washington state House passed a bill aimed at creating jobs by making funds available to schools to make their facilities energy efficient. Bill 2561, or the Jobs Act, has become the center of much debate and the means of job creation is not only a local debate, but a national one.

The bills creator and primary sponsor, Rep. Hans Dunshee, D-Snohomish, argues that the bill “catalyzes probably about 2.5 billion dollars in work, which gives you 38,000 jobs, and will account in $190 million dollars in savings to the taxpayer every single year.” He goes on to explain that the bill would pay for itself by creating jobs, tax revenue, and reduced energy costs.

On the opposing side is Rep. Glenn Anderson, R-Fall City, who says that the bill would negatively affect the state's bond rating, making it more difficult for the state to borrow. He also argues that the bill only presents public with projections and wonders how many jobs the bill would actually create.

Rep. Jim Jacks, D-Vancouver, counters Rep. Anderson's claim about the state's bond rating being affected negatively by citing research done by Moodys, stating that creating jobs and diversifying will actually produce a better bond rating.

Aside from arguments centered on job creation and bond ratings, others argue in favor of the bill because it would make schools safer for children.

“Any savings that we can put into our system making it safer for our kids and putting people to work now is what we need to do and we need to be brave and do it now!” exclaimed Rep. Kathy Haigh, D-Shelton.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Op-Ed Analysis

In the article, Haiti and the Hand of God, NPR's Scott Simon discusses how Pat Robertson makes controversial comments in times of distress. Simon addresses Robertson's most recent comments: the Haitian people made a pact with the devil and that that was the reason for the earthquake and suffering. Simon does not see God's compassion in these comments. Simon discusses the outpouring of aid from all over the world. Countries have set aside their differences in order to help Haiti. Finally, Simon explains how recovery and rebuilding for Haiti will take a “lifetime” and will bring much suffering.

I agree with Scott Simon's comments regarding Pat Robertson's remarks about Haiti. Not only were they insensitive, but it was prideful of Robertson to assume he knows the intentions of God and His means of justice. I, like Simon, find it moving that compassion has, at least temporarily, outweighed political differences among countries in order to help Haiti. Simon ends his article noting that when the press has gone the pain and suffering for the Haitian people will have just begun. I too worry that once the media attention is gone the amount of aid to the country will decrease.

Scott Simon begins his article by saying that people should disregard some of Pat Robertson's more controversial comments, but then he discusses Robertson's most recent comments about Haiti. He went against his own advice and chose to acknowledge Robertson's comments. Simon then moves on to discussing the outpouring of aid to the people of Haiti and the world's unity through compassion. He ends his article by saying that the suffering and recovery has just begun for the Haitians. He implies that aid will wane. He fails to mention country's commitments of aid for many years to come, such as the U.S.

Scott Simon is an international correspondent for NPR. His article was prompted by the earthquake in Haiti and the reactions that have ensued. Having reported on numerous wars and terrible tragedies from across the globe, I would assume that Simon would have difficulty with Robertson's comments because of their general lack of compassion. Because this was an opinion piece, I believe that Simon's primary constraint would be concerned with brevity. NPR is considered more liberal and that may be a constraint but Simon appears to have similar views. Simon's experience as an international journalist and NPR's reputation for responsible journalism greatly affects how I read the essay. I am prone to agree.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Letter to the editor

Guest columnist, King County Sheriff Sue Rahr's outpouring of gratitude to the community for their support in response to the numerous deaths within law enforcement was sincere, somber, and hopeful ["Community kindness helps law enforcers cope with tragic loss in their ranks," Jan. 30]. But her statement, "It's a comforting and empowering reminder that we are truly in this together" forces the inquiry of whether this is true or has ever been true, especially for certain groups in society. We can not forget that there are certain neighborhoods, skin colors, and orientations that are consistently disregarded and profiled.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oh 2010, how I have waited for you!

Personally, 2010 will be an interesting year. I am very happy to see 2009 go only because the last couple months of the year were a total nightmare. Unfortunately, the nightmares of 2009 have seeped into 2010. I was hoping that when the clock struck midnight that all the problems of 2009 would go away. I can wish can't I.

My hopes and goals for 2010 are to set myself up as well as possible to find a job, and to furthermore find one. So I guess there will be a couple, if not more, phases to 2010 for me. I hope to exceed in my studies and my internships. I then hope that this will aid me in beginning my career with a job that I enjoy and pays decent. This should be an interesting adventure.

Along with this enormous transition, I hope that this will be the year of other personal transitions. From the old to the new.

Coffee Shops

I not only love coffee, but when I am in school or studying I feel as though I need coffee. I think that they call this an addiction. I live on Capitol Hill and there are a plethora of coffee shops and for the most part they are pretty similar. too cool baristas that probably have Phd's in philosophy (maybe that's why they look so unhappy), fine crafted and roasted coffee, they're expensive, all drinks have double shots...the list goes on. So what narrows it down for me is taste, attitudes of the people who work there, convenience, and atmosphere.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The "Real" Michelle

The satirical cover of the July, 2008 issue of the New Yorker pretty much summed up the intensity of the stigma that was being proselytized by some of the “right wing” media about the Obamas. Michelle, sporting a fro, a sash of ammo, and fatigues, smiles deviously as she fist bumps her husband, while a fire burns, fueled by an American flag. The couple looks as though they are channeling the Black Panthers, Che, and Al Qaeda simultaneously.

Though the cover was in jest, it painted a clear picture of some of the outrageous accusations being disseminated to and amongst the American public. Michelle had been accused of being anti-patriotic, a domineering wife, an angry black woman, and a partner to her husband's supposed plan to destroy “American values.”

Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention, though subtly, addresses some of these rumors concerning her and her husband, as well as promote her husband's bid for President. She does this by way of talking about her and Barack's struggles growing up and how they got to where they are now. Early in her speech she says that she's there as a sister, a mother, a wife, and a daughter, simultaneously establishing part of her audience, as well as making herself in some regard a peer to all women on some level. She is bringing things back to basics in order to deflect from her powerful presence and resume and humanize herself, addressing the situational. Her description of these female roles had very submissive, serving, and receiving tones.

She talks about the American dream and tells her own story as an example and later does the same with Barack's. The Obama's were both accused of being unpatriotic and this touches on very patriotic rhetoric: “the American Dream;” “The American Story.” In telling her own story, she also is attempting to reach the “average” and poor American. Poverty, injustice, family illness, hard work, perseverance are all words and ideals used in her accounts. Most Americans can relate to one of these. This gives her the ability to reach people's hearts and minds and maybe make them think, “Hey she's a little like me.”

“He had this funny name...” I thought that this was very smart of her to mention and make fun of. Not only had some Americans thought his name was funny, but had also made it akin to terrorism. Her saying this takes some of the fuel out of comments about his name.

Her advisory rhetoric touched on many issues but she did so fairly briefly. One of her first advisory comments that was very persuasive was concerning welfare, unemployment, and general poverty.

“Those folks weren't asking for a handout or a shortcut. They were ready to work---they wanted to contribute.”

Some conservatives accuse people on welfare or unemployment as being lazy, creating a stigma that might prevent legislation for social programs. She then segways into how Barack took on a higher calling, choosing to help others instead of Wall Street. This was very smart and very subtle. Barack had the education and ability to be successful on Wall Street, but chose to serve. Wall Street's reputation at the time was in the muck. Any association with them could be harmful. She established his separation from “them” and their values.

She doesn't become advisory until the end of her speech where she touches on some of the campaign promises Barack made to the American people, such as ending the war in Iraq, health care for all, and the advising Americans to take on a position of hope rather than fear. An approach in stark contrast to the Bush administration.

She also takes one last opportunity to establish her audience and her patriotism. She talks about hard working Americans, military families, Hillary and in effect her not-so-happy supporters, and young people. She then says, “I love this country,” established one last time her patriotism.